Monday, March 13, 2017

Union 1, Zona Trelew Sur - Week 2... Building Week

Sounds like you guys had a rough week! I was also sick earlier in this week, so I felt a bit of your pain Mom! Hopefully you get some good sleep in. Here in the mission, insomnia is a nightmare. It's never been a big problem for me, but there have been a couple nights here in Trelew that I couldn't sleep, and it made me want to "pegarme un tiro" lol!!! (shoot myself in the head!)

Sofia sounds like she's rocking everything right now, so she might be rising up to become the second greatest child in the family ;) I'm gonna be so pumped for that package! 

The Sieles just happened to be passing through Trelew, and I got to see them! It was crazy because we met up with Elder Perez and Elder Escobar to see them, and Elder Dominguez has also served in Tolhuin, so there were 4 elderes that had served in Tolhuin that got to see them :D It was sick (Hno. Sieles was the group leader in Tolhuin - from Rio Grande.)

This week in Trelew was a building week for sure. I was sick to my stomach for a couple days at the start of the week, so that was no fun, but not to worry, 'cause it passed. We had success in finding. We found a super good investigator named Mathew, who was progressing way quick, and had a fecha (baptismal date), but didn't come through on Sunday. We'll see how it goes with him this week... We also found two families just last night. Neither one of them seems like gold, but with a bit of refinement, we'll get 'em there! We found them last night though, so I still can't say much. 

The members are already starting to like us more. The area had a lot of truchos/muertos (lazy/dead missionaries) lately, so they were a bit tired, but we've been trying to take them to citas (appointments) with us, and asking for references, and they're actually giving references. The family of the bishop is especially excited, so I hope we can get some bautismos with the members. I'm still getting used to the grind, but now I'm a bit more accustomed to being a Zone Leader. I really miss just chilling and watching movies in the basement with you guys, but there will be plenty of time to loaf around after the mission. Fun fact, if I don't extend my mission (there's a great possibility that I will, if they let me) then yesterday (March 12th) marks one year left in the mission :D Pretty nuts. The 30th will mark my year, so be looking forward to that :) 

Anyways, I'm just working out here, tranqy. It's cool to see how the Lord provides investigators for us. I'm going to work especially hard to be diligent and obedient, and leave the rest in the hands of the Lord. 

Family! Thanks so much for all your support! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I hope you all have a better week next week! 

MOM: LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get well soon :) Ill be praying for you! 
- Elder Jimenez 

And to Jose...
I'm glad that Abuela is enjoying her retirement! It makes me sad though that Mom is sick :( There's not much I can do though from all the way down here. She'll definitely be in my prayers. 

Honestly, I haven't seen anything too sketchy yet here in Union, so that's a good sign. 

Not even surprised about BYU, I knew it would happen. Hopefully we get a chance to beat up on Utah, forcing Coach K. to play the thugs again XD My pic game has sucked lately, we'll just have to see what I can get this week. 

Word has it that there's a life size dinosaur outside of Trelew that we might visit today, so that'll be a sweet pic. 

Honestly, I'm pretty tired. I'm not dead, 'cause I'm still working my butt off, but I won't lie, home passed through my mind many times this week. I just need to get a spiritual recharge. General Conference will probably give me the kick I need. Until then I'll be working on grit and love for the Savior haha! 

I've been noticing lately that I don't really know how to study the scriptures very well. Do you feel like you do it well Dad? What study techniques do you use? 

I miss you a ton! When I get back we need to go on a golfing trip. That would be sweet! Just like old times :) NOT TRUNKY THOUGH! I know that I'm supposed to be out here, and I'm not gonna be wanting to come home until March 12, 2018. 


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