Monday, January 1, 2018

AP, Zona Comodoro Norte - Week 19... Skype

23 Dec 11:26am...
voy a llamar a las 6 de la tarde, o sea a las 2 para ustedes, pero podria ser que yo este trabajando mucho ese dia, entonces cualquier cosa, les aviso si tengo que cambiar

25 Dec 2:06pm...
I'm gonna be calling around 2:30 - 2:40 esta bien? And I'll probably use somebody else's account :)

25 Dec 2:16pm...
Por ahi, estoy trabajando, pero voy a llamar tipo 2:40

25 Dec 2:35pm...
probablemente va ser tipo 3

25 Dec 2:40pm...
Sorry! I'm super busy today, but I'm rushing. ya voy a estar tranqy igual

25 Dec 3:22pm...
ok I finished all my stuff, I'm gonna call you guys in 15 minutes when the computer frees up

25 Dec 4pm...
Finally, we got to talk to Alex... nothing like spending Christmas Day waiting for a Skype call from your missionary!!! But, that being said, it is great to see he is so busy in the mission that it takes priority! 

Evidently the strike in Argentina made it so that the missionaries who were arriving to the mission got stuck in Buenos Aires from Tuesday through Sunday. So Alex had to arrange for all of the training, etc on Christmas Day.

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